To all RIBI based Rotary Scholars

Not long now until our gathering on 28th September in London where we are all looking forward to meeting you and you to one another . 
For those of you that have registered already please let me know if you have had a change of plan and can no longer attend. We have a tight budget and do not want to waste money on unnecessary food etc. If you are attending and have any food allergies and have not recorded them can I ask you to update your profile accordingly on the event web site.
For those of you that have not registered but intend joining us can I ask you to register now on the web site and at the latest before before the 23rd September when bookings will close. This is to give us time to make the preparations for the day.
For information I attach an outline programme for the day, please ensure you arrive early.
Hopefully your grant or host Rotary district will cover your travel costs to the event  but if you need assistance towards these please complete the attached travel claim form and ensure you attach a receipt for the monies you spent, no receipt no payment! Please ensure I have the claim by 14th October latest. Note this will only be a part assistance on a sliding scale basis depending where you are coming from 

Ray Dixon
RC of Sovereign Harbour
District 1120 DRFC 2019-22